5 February 2020

Last Monday ECM Shanghai‘s sales offices reopened and immediately made contact with the headquarters of Ente Certificazione Macchine in Italy. The main concern of the Chinese staff is to have the security of the regular functioning of our services.
Considering the recent problems related to the coronavirus, last January 30, Italy blocked, with an ordinance of the Italian Ministry of Health, all flights to and from China for 90 days, as well as those coming from Wuhan, already suspended by the Chinese authorities.

Ente Certificazione Macchine, which has daily contacts with China through its marketing branch in Shanghai, has been informed that most Chinese companies are working to carry out their production and commercial activities. Aware that the flights stop will have a significant impact on international trade, it is essential to maintain high levels of high collaboration and transparency between companies and professionals.

Ente Certificazione Macchine wishes to ensure that its activities involving Asian companies will not be interrupted in any way. Despite the delays that some activities may suffer due to the current international situation – which directly involve the transfer of personnel to China – ECM is dedicated to reduce any possible problems and guarantees that its services will continue to be provided continuously, according to the high standards that set us apart
If you have any doubts or concerns, you can send an email to

[For more information about the coronavirus and the real-time situation, you can visit the dedicated portal of the Italian Ministry of Health].