Following the new measures put in place by the Italian government to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus, ECM Ente Certificazione Macchine is further enhancing its remote working tools to keep all its activities operational and efficient.
The headquarters of ECM, located in Valsamoggia – Bologna, is outside the orange zone set out in the art. 1 of the dpcm 8 March 2020, for which even stricter restrictions are provided. However, we have been equipped since the last few weeks to allow our staff, our customers and our partners to rely on remote working methods, videoconferences and other kinds of smartworking that guarantee high levels of safety for everyone. In next days, these tools will be further enhanced to ensure even more efficient performances and the necessary working continuity.
Ente Certificazione Macchine, Italian Notified Body, joins all the companies in our country that are going through this difficult moment of uncertainty, spreading a thought of solidarity and closeness. Italian companies, as well as citizens, are reminded of a strong sense of responsibility and a great fortitude to face the current situation, which has an undeniable impact on everyone’s daily routine. Only through mutual support and collaboration is it possible to fase the difficulties, overcoming the emergency and looking to the future with a new hope and awareness.
Contact us for information about our services at:
Antonio Balassone – Medical Device Division Sales Manager > | mob. +39 3932471040