To contrast the spread of the Covid-19 virus and to guarantee the health and safety of people, many companies, shops, public offices and other accommodation facilities are starting to use temperature measurement devices. Monitoring, prevention and safety are crucial in this phase of re-opening to avoid a new outbreak. Thermoscanners (or infra-red thermometers) are therefore becoming fundamental devices for the systematic screening of temperature, as they guarantee:
Ente Certificazione Macchine, as accredited Testing Laboratory, provides an accurate and professional testing service to verify the compliance of thermoscanners and other electromedical equipment with the essential safety and performance requirements of the applicable standards. ECM is also Notified Body authorized to issue CE product certifications according to the Medical Devices Directive (MDD) 93/42/CE.
For further information about our services, you can contact Antonio Balassone – ECM Sales Manager at or by phone +39 393 2471040