Mask certification, ECM’s appearance on the TV show Fuori dal Coro

3 March 2021

Following the interview conducted by the reporters of the TV programme Fuori dal Coro, partly used for the realisation of the service broadcast on Tuesday 02/03/2021, it is necessary to clarify some issues.

We believe that incomplete, incorrect and misleading information was provided during the service. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings or incorrect interpretations, we would like to provide a clearer and more comprehensive explanation. In particular, we would like to clarify the following points.


Ente Certificazione Macchine is NOT a Notified Body for the personal protective equipment regulation, therefore we do not issue and have never issued EC product certifications for this directive. Any document issued by ECM in relation to PPE does NOT constitute an EC product certificate and cannot in any way replace EC certification.


The “Certificate of Compliance” documents, mentioned in the service, are issued by us on a purely voluntary basis and are NOT an EC Certificate, as can also be seen from the title and contents of the same. They absolutely cannot replace a correct EU declaration of Conformity, which must be drawn up and countersigned by the manufacturer, and cannot be used to place products on the market within the European Community. Specifically, we acted exclusively as an independent third party, at the request of the manufacturer’s consultants, for the evaluation of Technical Documentation provided to us by the manufacturer. This activity was carried out exclusively in China and for the Chinese market. The output of this assessment activity is the Certificate Of Compliance document.


The use of our notification number 1282 in connection with the CE marking on personal protective equipment, as well as any attempt to pass the “Certificate Of Compliance” document as a CE certificate, is a misuse. These actions are punishable by law and we promptly report them to the competent authorities. In this regard, we have immediately registered a complaint with the police and we warn anyone from misusing our 1282 notification number and spreading misleading information about it. We reserve the right to protect our name and image in the appropriate contexts.


We would like to thank the law enforcement agencies and the supervisory bodies in charge, daily engaged in the activity of verifying the conformity of products for the European market. ECM, since the early months of the pandemic, is in direct contact and at the complete disposal of the competent authorities (including NAS, Customs Agency and other surveillance bodies) to verify the conformity of products and the validity of the documentation accompanying them, and to identify and contrast any improper and fraudulent use of documents attributable to our Company, to protect the market and consumers.


With regard to the news that ECM would be sanctioned by Accredia, we should specify that ECM has been sanctioned through a minor action by Accredia, which has prohibited us, for a period of 6 months, to apply for new accreditations. This measure has in no way interrupted our work, which has continued regularly in full compliance with current regulations and with the professionalism that has always distinguished us.

We would like to underline that ECM is engaged daily in fighting abuses and irregularities through direct support to market surveillance authorities and to anyone who needs clarification or information. For this reason, we ask anyone who gets in touch with dpi masks or other products incorrectly showing our notification number 1282 to immediately inform our offices at

Our aim is to ensure that only certified products are placed on the market, as a guarantee of safety for end users.

For further details on the above, please see the Official Communications on our website: