Following the report received during the interview on the TV programme Fuori dal Coro, aired on 02/03/2021 on Rete4, we have been informed of the presence on the Italian market of numerous individual respiratory protection masks (FFP2 or FFP3) improperly bearing our notification number 1282.
The people responsible for this improper and unauthorised use of our notification number have put non-certified masks on the market that are potentially dangerous to public health.
We immediately registered a complaint with the police against the authors for improper and fraudulent use of our notification number 1282.
We have also reported the issue to the European Commission’s Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), Directorate B Investigation II – Unit B.2 – Tobacco & Counterfeit Goods.
If you have any queries or information about the misuse of our Notified Body number 1282, please contact our offices at