UKCA marking, ECM services for the UK market

16 September 2021

Ente Certificazione Macchine supports companies wishing to place their products and machinery on the UK market through a range of services towards the UKCA.

Following Brexit, the CE mark will be valid for exporting products to the United Kingdom until 31 December 2022. After this date, the CE mark will no longer be recognised and goods can only be placed on the UK market with the UKCA mark.

Consequently, from 1st January 2023, the UKCA mark will be mandatory on products destined for the UK market.

Ente Certificazione Macchine has developed a range of services for companies wishing to export their products to the UK and therefore need to comply with the UKCA marking requirements.


Ente Certificazione Macchine carries out the necessary third party UKCA conformity audits to assess compliance with UK regulatory requirements. This activity includes:

  • verification of the technical documentation that the company must prepare in accordance with the UKCA marking,
  • laboratory tests on the basis of the applicable standards.

At the end of the activity, in case of a positive outcome, ECM issues a Third Party Certificate stating that the product/machinery fully complies with the requirements of the UKCA marking.


The UKCA mark must be affixed by the manufacturer or its Authorised Representative.

Through a partner company based in the UK, Ente Certificazione Macchine provides the Authorised Representative service to companies wishing to place their products on the UK market.

For more information, please contact our Sales Manager Paolo Bernardoni at | cell. (+39) 345 9938661