30 October 2024

To view the updated list of invalid/forged documents, click here

ECM – Ente Certificazione Macchine is aware of the existence of invalid/forged ECM certificates/test reports/other documents relating to some European directives or international standards. Nobody is authorized to issue certificates or other documents in our name and on our behalf, therefore ECM will take action against any companies found to be issuing certificates/documents without authorization.

On our website, in the Certificate Verification section, you can check the valid certificates issued by ECM. To consult the list of invalid and/or forged certificates/documents of which we are aware, click here. The list is not complete nor exhaustive and is in continuous updating. In order to protect the market and to keep this list up to date, anyone having information or suspicions of forged certificates/documents, please notify us at info@entecerma.it